Friday, June 10, 2011

Astrological Sign

Astrological Sign: Astrologers believe that individual zodiac signs help them to determine how much compatible a person can be with his or her partner. Thus, we can say that astrology plays an important role when we are considering our love or romantic life. Each sign in the zodiac rules certain body parts, which in turn affects your health and how you should exercise. Ever wondered why you are always injuring your knee or why swimming feels so natural to you? It may be your sign.

The astronomer mentioned that the signs of the zodiac have shifted since they were first invented thousands of years ago. This is true, because the Earth’s axis wobbles over time, which has the effect of shifting the positions of the zodiacal constellations in the sky, or, more accurately, the time of the year the Sun passes through them. In Indian astrology, the twelve signs are associated with constellations, while in Chinese astrology and Western Astrology there is no connection with constellations, as it is simply the line of the equator that is divided into twelve equal segments.



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