Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Emma Watson Reveals "Potter" Crush

Emma Watson Reveals "Potter" Crush on co-stars including Robert Pattinson, Daniel Radcliffe and even Rupert Grint. Having a crush on someone is the best, so who did she have her eye on?
Watson says she isn't good at playing games when it comes to guys. "I'm a terrible game player. I'm so impatient - it's one of my worst traits!"

She explains, "My friends are always telling me I have to play hard to get because I'll pretty much say to a guy, 'I like you let's go hang out.' But my friends are like, "You can't do that! You have to string this guy along." And I'm just like, "No! I won't! I just want to go on the date! It's a nightmare - I definitely haven't figured it out yet."



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