Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mental Model

A mental model is a kind of internal symbol or representation of external reality, hypothesized to play a major role in cognition, reasoning and decision-making. Kenneth Craik suggested in 1943 that the mind constructs "small-scale models" of reality that it uses to anticipate events. Mental Model functions as a unit with very different expectations for social cohesion.
The Mental Model for poverty was 
1) Relationship based 
2) Present focused and 
3) Characterized by interlocking problems.
The Mental Model for the middle class was 
1) Achievement based 
2) Future focused and 
3) Saw problems contained.

The Mental Model for the wealthy was 
1) Connection based 
2) Generationally future focused with 
3) An attempt to control problems.

ideas coming from the middle class often fail to connect with people in generational poverty, because the needs of those in generational poverty are not clearly understood among those outside of that mental model.



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