Friday, June 17, 2011

Romeo Tan

Romeo Tan We check in with Romeo Tan, a no fuss, no frills kinda dresser who prefers t-shirts over shirts, sneakers over dressy shoes, and will never be caught dead in a thin white cotton singlet a la ah peks hanging out at the void deck Elvin and I formed an interesting friendship through this drama. Seeing how well we clicked, the other cast and crew assumed we’ve been working together for a long time. But the fact is we’ve never worked together before this production and I’ve always assumed that I would hate his guts. Apparently this feeling is mutual. Before Romeo Tan came to own the lean bod and muscular build he touts around today, the strapping lad used to tip the scales as an obese teenager -- we kid you not.

We found it hard to believe when the Star Search finalist and C.L.I.F actor shared with us tales from his younger and pudgier self in secondary school which involved the occasional teasing and jabbing from classmates.



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