Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stakeholder Framing

Stakeholders in the aviation industry have called on the Federal Government to expedite action on the disbursement of the N500 billion intervention fund promised by the government, so as to rescue airlines that are already showing signs of distress. PR David Phillips in line and suggest that social media has helped the vector of communication through 90 degrees, more important put the conversation around an organization. It was a time is true, but it is our intention that social media form and content to a large number of comments, reflections and opinions, which together something akin to reputation.

As a product of the meeting, the NACD Compensation Advisory Council will release a white paper outlining the top issues that should be on the board's agenda when framing executive compensation plans, including better ways to communicate compensation rationale to shareholders and other corporate stakeholders. The Council will continue to meet regularly over the next year to refine and advance its recommendations.



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