Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sleeping 'sexsomniac' man rapes girl!

Stephen Davies, 43, claims he suffers from a rare condition called sexsomnia.

38-year-old man revealed that he had been sexually assaulting his wife in his sleep for twelve years. He would undress her, touch her, and try to have sex with her, often acting very violent but when she tried to wake him, he was unresponsive. He claimed to have never had any memory of these events.

Sexsomnia is simply a variant of sleepwalking, which affects 1 to 2% of adults.The woman awoke to discover that her underwear had been removed and a glassy-eyed Luedecke was trying to rape her. She pushed him off, ran to the washroom, and returned to find him standing there bewildered.

A sleep expert confirmed the diagnosis. Two women including the accused's ex-wife Angela said he would wake after romps remembering nothing.

The 16-year-old girl - a college student - was staying at his Pembrokeshire home when she fell ill in the night and went to share his room since it was cooler.



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