Monday, May 30, 2011

Nie Portal

Nie Portal: Since yesterday the web link to the page circulating the petition supporting the idea of ​​a unique alignment of matrimonial rights of all citizens of the European Union. The creators of the link to the regulation of citizens' initiative, adopted by the EU this year. According to the assumptions of the new law with European Union citizens can get out of the legislative initiative, if your project will meet the 1 million signatures. The idea seems not to realize?

For the petition is, which offered just such a campaign for marriage equality across Europe. "Same-sex marriages are legal in Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands, hardly in five of twenty-seven European Union countries. Civil partnerships were legalized in Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovenia, France and Luxembourg , with Austria and Hungary, which regulate these issues by unregistered konkubinaty "- like the creator of the page. draws attention to the fact that the European Union wants to protect its citizens against all forms of discrimination - including on grounds of sexual orientation: "Why, then, Article 9 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights states that 'The right to marry and the right to found a family shall be guaranteed in accordance national laws governing the exercise of these rights'? In fact, this provision permits the discrimination against citizens of the European Union, despite their fundamental.



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