Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jiang Lai Arrested

Jiang Lai has been arrested for threatening to throw acid on the face of a woman who is the wife of a PAP grassroots leader whom she had an affair with, according to reports in the state media.

Jiang Lai was arrested after threatening to commit suicide. Jiang Lai, 23, a local blogger, who shot to internet fame when he observed that only the ACS (I), the boys are valued for years, now has trouble with the police. May 1913, threatened to kill himself at the hotel and was arrested.

She first shot into prominence two weeks ago with a series of controversial remarks made on her blog, one of which is that ‘only ACS(I) boys are worth dating.

Her most vitriolic posts, however, were directed at her ex-boyfriend (a Mr Wong) who is apparently working as a teacher in a secondary school.



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